European Aristocratic & Business Club is a gated community for the aristocratic families of Europe and the large caliber of business people, world-wide billionaires. 24 private villas from 1,600 to 3,500 sqm on a private island with almost 80,000 sqm construction allowed in ecological green zone around.
5,000 sqm The Club Palace
10, 000 sqm Beach Club with 30 boutique level rooms, and Crypto currency center
Aviation Club, Car & Bike Club, Yacht Club, 50,000 sqm Agrecultural Organic Farm, Helicopter port.
Residence on Membership basis
Board Concept
Board of Princes & Supporting Partners
The Princes from Reigning houses (Liehtenstein, Luxembourg, Swidden) or in Exclusive functions cannot be shown due to the confidential Protocol.

Head of Board of Princes
H.S.H Prince George Yourievsky

H.S.H Princess Elikonida Yourievsky
Member of Board of Princes

Member of Board of Princes
Count Bjorn Bernadotte
Rights of members:
Has consultancy vote for new Club Members and for existing members, which behave badly (I would recommend a system like yellow and red cards like in football)
Additionally, to all-inclusive board activities, two weeks or 2x7 days free stay with wife/friend in Club with full pension and services (excluded alcoholic drinks).
Two Business Tickets or four economy tickets per year free of charge if our aviation club is not available.
Can rent additionally our Club House Rooms or Suits for a maximum of one month/year for our internal cost.
Can receive one percent of shares as bonus if active successfully for several years.
Can participate in Sub-Clubs (Car & Bike, Aviation, Yacht & Boat, B & S, Organic Farm)
Duties of members:
Has to be present at yearly board meeting and press conference in the Club minimum every second year.
Has to organize yearly an exhibition, presentation or conference in the Club (e.g., history, own family, culture, art etc.)
Has to write yearly an article or to give an interview for Club magazine.
Has to stay one week or 2x3 days in the club every year.
Has to represent the Club positively in the world
Has to invite yearly one very high honorary guest to the club (for minimum one weekend, maximum one week)
If he resigns, he has to propose an adequate aristocrat.
Has to organize a yearly event, dinner or lunch in the Club.
Has to inform and update the embassy of his country in Spain concerning the Club and its activities.
Some CLUB interiors are shown bellow
The CLUB unique restaurante
There are millions of restaurants in the world and it would be foolish to propose another one unless there is some mystery behind this project. Either it has to be radically different from anything that exists, or it cannot be our project. We only have unique ones in our library of ideas.
Imagine that we set our big task of surprising the audience so much for them to believe the transformation of space is as if a change of seasons. And it happens dramatically, in 30-40 seconds! It sounds like Hollywood, doesn't it? It happens on TV, otherwise it is simply impossible.
What would you say if you knew it could happen more than once? Say four times a year. You don't have to rebuild the interior. You don't have to invest any extra money.
Everything happens automatically. We have four special evenings a year when the restaurant is 100% full. It is on these days that the transformation takes place. Otherwise, we change interior following the nature seasons.
Do not think that all this happens on easy plasma screens, due to lights and graphics. No! It's going to be real, no screens. The technique, which we apply for such effects is unique and you can't see it in the world.
The circular panorama of wildflowers woven into intricate composition and the transition of colours creates the wonderful mood of a summer meadow or a freshly-blooming spring garden. It is hand embroidered with thick silk or chenille and an unforgettable picture. Add to this the sounds of nature and easy music.
But the most important thing here is how the background is made. The space between the embroidered design is filled with tiny glass tubes, hollow inside and selected by colour and transparency, so that we get an unexpected effect once the original is conceived.
If we stand in the middle of the room, facing the frames with the wildflowers, and then turn smoothly about our axis and continue to glance over the walls, we suddenly see that effect come alive. The beam of light follows our movement exactly, creating a fish scale effect, shimmering with all the colours on display.
And now, if we turn on the remote control mode to replace the panels and change everything to see autumn, a slight rustle of movement means the frames are now replaced. They now display the yellow riot of autumn colours, snow-white birches, touched with autumn gold in all its glory. But the technique is different. Now, fine silk makes the effect of shimmering light, reflecting differently from each area of the new panels. We then bring compositions of yellow flowers placed along the walls to generate a diorama effect. The images on the panel take from a 3D technique. In combination, this effect is further enhanced.
Closer to Christmas, you can change the interior once again, in place of autumn, to see the intertwined tree branches studded with snow, sparkling under the rays of the sun or an electric light. The whole composition is as if composed with lace of the finest silver threads, bringing us these incredible shimmers and the illusion of snow. And most importantly, we know how to make all this beauty come to life at a cost comparable to that of ordinary luxury decor. Price does matter! If we can get you such beauty, why agree to compromise on anything else?
Activity & Culinary Concept

The CLUB has a unique by specialists guided activity and culinary concept.
Activity program
Daily:live Piano playing in the evening, group lessons in: Yoga or Stretching, Martial Arts or Fitness, Walking or Jogging, in our partner clubs riding, golf and tennis, etc.
Weekly:live piano playing with singing, chamber concerts or jazz band, Thé-dansant Sunday afternoon, excursions: golf, horse riding, sailing,diving, mountain-bike tour, or 4x4 tour etc.
Monthly program: flight to Switzerland/Mainau, concerts, gala dinners, weekend excursions, wine tastings, conferences, or presentations, one day helicopter trips, one day PC12 trips, one day car or motorbike trips,shooting or hunting events, etc.
Yearly program: CLUB Ball, formal dinners with party on national days like 4thof July,14thof July, 1. of August, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Orthodox Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, Russian New Year, Mainau weekend, three day cultural excursion in Montenegro,one week sailing turn, one week intensive fitness camp, two weeks detox and/or epigenetic cure programetc.
Culinary Concept
Our culinary concept is based on our own garden and farming concept. Each villa has a herbs garden, citrus, olive and almond trees and our own organic farm provides us with vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat from our poultry, cows, and lambs. Furthermore, throughoutthe hunting season we receive fresh products on a regular basis. Our yacht club is in charge for daily fresh fish and seafood.
Daily changing cuisine: E.g.: Monday Italian, TuesdayFrench, Wednesday Asian/Vegan/ Vegetarian, ThursdayEastern European, Friday Japanese/Vegetarian/Vegan, Saturday Montenegrin/Balcan, Sunday Brunch and Barbecue
For each cuisine is a Chef cook responsible who has a cook and an assistant at his side. They are also available for the CLUB villas on the other days.
CLUB House
In addition to the above-mentioned points, the CLUB House offers an infrastructure for a variety of activities which are for our members accessible. These include the Spa & Beauty Centre, the Fitness Centre, shooting range, the medical doctor, cinema, meeting and conference rooms, billiard room, library, piano bar etc.
The CLUB Boutique Hotel
The CLUB has a Hotel Room & Suites Concept that complies with many different needs of our exclusive CLUB members.
The CLUB House has 9 newly built suites with 100 m2 each. Each suite consists of a living room (40 m2 that can be easily transformed in a conference room) with wardrobe and separate small bathrooms for women (toilet/shower) and men (toilet/pissoir), a superior bedroom (26m2) with bathroom and a deluxe bedroom (34m2) with deluxe bathroom.
Sometimes you do not want to have guests or even family members in your own villa or you just want to have additional space or capacity for people.Another good reason is to separate private guests from business guests. Due to this each villa has the lease (25-year) of a superior suite already included in the sales price.
Villa owners can upgrade or lease additional rooms or entire suites in the CLUB House. The price depends on their one or two Generation-Membership (25 or 50 years).